Cake Project offers an opportunity to the creative community to make possible ambitious projects for future development. This bi-monthly events aim to build a strong, generous and diverse network of local creative practitioners and audiences. Public participation and discussion encourage the success.
How it works?
- Artists, musicians, writers, performers, filmmakers, dancers, designers, creative and innovative minds as well as the like, all are welcome to submit proposals to be considered for funding.
- At the event, every person will be asked to donate a minimum of RM15, which goes to the prize pot. In return, you’ll share a piece of homemade cake and coffee/tea, at the same time eligible to vote for ONE proposal you think has the best creative idea.
- Each participant who has submitted proposal is required to make a brief presentation on his/her submitted idea. Occasionally, there may also be performances or talks by special guests.
- At the end of the event, votes are counted. The winner receives the prize pot (the evening’s donations) and will be invited to present the outcomes of their project at the next event.